Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nekokoi wasn’t kidding!

The individual Cuprits, as shipped, are always prettier than the default photos on the website. Even with the default faceups. I am loving those ears!

There were a couple of box openings on DoA yesterday; one of them linked to a Flickr page showing the interchangeability of legs and feet among Cuprit, Amber, and I think Sard or Heliot. [I never can keep all those boys straight.] I got a better feel for the shaping of her hips. I think I will make her skirt long and softly pleated, though I reserve the right to stitch down the tops of the pleats emphatically, once I get her here and can tweak the fit. I bought enough fabric that I can make a real hip yoke and suspend the pleats from that, if I choose, but I may save that for Jessica’s skirt.

I need to rummage through my sewing supplies ~ first, I need to find the rest of my sewing supplies ~ because I think I have one of those funny pronged tools made for hand-pleating fabric. I don’t think I am going to do anything as formal as kilt pleating, where you keep the setts in mind. I think I am just going to make small pleats and press the top 2” or so of them crisply and baste or sew them within an inch of their lives, and then finish that edge neatly with a ribbon waistband or something. Gathered skirts are bulky, pleated skirts less so.

When I was watching Enchanted the other day, I thought to myself, “I would love to replicate Giselle’s foofy dress from the opening scenes” [but of course raise the neckline a bit].

Heading off to measure the waist on Cuprit’s sweater to see if I’ve done enough decreases.

1 comment:

nekokoi said...

..you can't see it, but i'm doing a "ha HA! i was right!" dance over here. xD i really am glad you're falling for her more and more, as a little part of me was still afraid you'd hate her after she arrived. X.x