Yes, please, I would love to visit with the other dolls! I’m less interested in sewing for boy dolls, though I will be happy (eventually) to sew for Kyu’s guys, if he likes. I have so much more experience navigating around female architecture.
I parked at Richland Hills yesterday and went into JoAnn’s. They have quarter-inch check gingham. I bought half a yard of red and another half-yard of yellow for draping purposes. I think it will be awhile before I need to buy more fabric. I also bought another packet of small buttons and a spool of Gütermann silk thread in a darker shade of turquoise/teal than the one I had.
I poured the beads into a tiny French canning jar which one of my friends gave me. You will notice that I did not buy the lovely petite eccentrically-drilled aqua glass beads which I also found at JoAnn’s, because they were $14+ for the string, and I think we have sufficiently established that it does not say stupid on my forehead.
Here is a progress shot of the hip yoke on Cuprit’s skirt.
Maybe I will string a few beads after the home teachers visit tonight.
the skirt's looking really nice! i'm looking forward to seeing it completed!
also i placed the Uni Baby order today and paid the first 1/4 of it. <3 this is me updating you.
The skirt is looking sharp so far. :] I'm really excited for you Mom. *hugs*
Christy was delighted that you PMed her on DOA and wanted me to apologize for her that she wasn't able to reply today. Michael and the dog started acting totally crazy early to mid afternoon, preventing her from getting anything productive done. :[
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