Sunday, July 9, 2017

Avery's sweater is done. And a faceup I liked

Last night I pinned it for blocking like this, in order to bring the bottom edge into submission.

This morning before church, I pinned it like this, to tidy up the shoulders and neck edges.

And here it is on Middlest's brat, Avery.

When we were at the dolly birthday party yesterday, I saw a doll whose eye makeup really pleased me. Fourthborn has done the majority of my dolls' faceups, either when I bought mine new, or when they were hers. And I've wanted fairly conservative makeup even for my bigger dolls. But I'm thinking that Blessing could do with a bit more color. Not these colors, and not this intense, but I liked how this doll's faceup worked with her costume.

Stick a fork in me. I'm done.

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