Sunday, June 18, 2017

A little crafting, with a side order of anarchy.

I cannibalized a placemat which I'd bought to make into needle rolls when I lived in Fort Worth and my needle stash (particularly in the smallest sizes) was growing almost every payday. I've been wanting to make Blessing's corner on the top of my tallest dresser a little more Boho/gypsy/faerie in style. (The placemat which has been serving as her area rug for the past month or so certainly helps.)

I've also been wanting to make a sign for the clipboard I bought several months ago. My printer is having opinions, and I'm not in the mood to figure out what's wrong, so I finally settled on a grey background and black type, printed in greyscale with no drama, thank you very much.

Here is blessing sitting on her new cushion. Her breakfast tray has been set alongside the wall, where it might not be noticed by inspectors from the Bureau of Alchemy on their semiannual rounds. Yes, she eats in her lab. (Yes, I eat at my desk at work.) I've made an alternate sign: Do not feed the librarian. Because sometimes it's not so much about turning things into other things as it is reveling in the sight, smell, and sound of books.

In knitting news, I got all of those pesky ends woven in on the sleeve of Avery's sweater, and I made significant progress while at church today. I plan to do a little more knitting before going to bed tonight.

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